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Donate & Help

Our earth is not doing well.

Species extinction and climate change are dramatically affecting it. We humans are responsible for both. We pollute water, destroy forests, blow exhaust fumes into the air and displace animals and plants from their natural habitats.

According to the World Biodiversity Council, around 1 million species are acutely threatened with extinction. But they have important functions for us humans, for example as pollinators or CO2 reservoirs.

What we break, we have to fix. And urgently. Help us!

Why donate to the Global Nature Fund?

With your donation to the GNF, you are making a valuable contribution to the preservation of biodiversity.
This is a matter close to our hearts and is the focus of all our projects.

Clean drinking water for schoolchildren, mangrove seedlings for sustainable reforestation, CO2-saving cooking stoves, insect corridors in agriculture – we can’t do it without your support.

Help us with your donation.

Do you have any questions? Talk to us.

Manuela Köstner

Manuela Köstner

Financial and administrative assistant

Tel: +49 7732 9995 878

Donation account

GLS-Gemeinschaftsbank Bochum
IBAN: DE 53 4306 0967 8040 4160 00

How does my donation work?

Your donation is essential for our work. Thanks to your help, we can work actively and effectively to protect biodiversity in water, forests and fields.

With your valuable donation, you are making a tangible contribution to ensuring that fewer trees are cut down in the rainforest. That schoolchildren in South Africa have clean drinking water. That mangrove forests in South Asia are being reforested. That companies pay attention to sustainable production. That lakes are protected and renaturalized. That habitats for insects are created in cities and fields. That people and animals can cope better with the consequences of climate change.

Your help arrives!

We pay attention to transparency and sustainability when using your donation. In our annual activity report you will find detailed information on our work and the use of funds. Further information on the Transparent Civil Society Initiative (ITZ) can be found here.

We send our newsletters and information about our work digitally wherever possible in order to conserve natural resources and avoid unnecessary costs.


The GNF is a non-profit foundation. Your donations are tax-deductible. You will automatically receive a donation receipt for the previous year at the beginning of the year.

Would you like to receive your annual receipt as a digital donation receipt in the future? Please send us an e-mail.
Donations that exceed the needs of one of the projects mentioned will be used for the statutory work of the GNF, if possible in similar projects.