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Climate protection

Our response to the climate crisis: protecting and restoring ecosystems. Because we can only master this challenge with the help of nature that is as intact as possible. CO2 reduction, environmental and biodiversity protection, climate change adaptation and sustainable development – we combine all of these aspects in our climate protection projects.

What we do

We are creating new CO2 reservoirs. We are reforesting mangrove forests in India, Bangladesh and the Caribbean. Mangroves are true climate superheroes – they can store up to five times more CO2 than rainforests and are an important habitat for many animals. At the same time, they protect people in coastal regions from tropical storms and storm surges. This is exactly where we come in: Together with our project partners, we promote sustainable tourism in the Caribbean and restore the beaches. In India and Bangladesh, we combine sustainable shrimp aquaculture with the restoration of mangrove forests.

We are also committed to the protection and reforestation of forests on land worldwide – because forest protection is climate protection. In India, for example, we support local cooperatives in replanting the West Ghats, a biodiversity hotspot, and create alternative, climate-friendly sources of income.



tree seedlings have been planted worldwide together with our project partners over the last 25 years.


hectares of mangrove forest were reforested in 2023, which in future will cover up to
can store 192,000 tons of CO2.


families, we have created alternative, climate-friendly sources of income in 2023.

