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  • Inspire Europeans to protect biodiversity

Inspire Europeans to protect biodiversity

Projektzeitraum: September 2019 - August 2022
Despite the public debate on climate change and the environment, few people are aware of biodiversity and its value for the environment. This is the result of recent studies. However, species protection is fundamentally important for both climate and environmental protection.
For this reason, we have developed 30 educational tools with five European partner organizations to get people excited about biodiversity at various levels. In doing so, we are not only targeting people who are already nature enthusiasts, but also reaching people at their workplace, when shopping, on vacation and in their local area. In this way, we are strengthening the capacity of average European citizens to take care of nature in their daily lives, to like and appreciate it.

Project area



Tools and strategies

Develop innovative tools and strategies to get people across Europe excited about biodiversity

Educational materials

Create educational materials and tools on biodiversity for companies, consumers, settlements and tourists



Pedagogical instruments

Development of 30 innovative educational tools to get people excited about biodiversity


Contribution to the sustainability goals

Contact person:in

David Marchetti

David Marchetti

Deputy Head of Nature Conservation

Tel: +49 7732 9995 84

Dr. Thomas Schaefer

Dr. Thomas Schaefer

Head of Living Lakes & Water and Nature Conservation

Tel: +49 7732 9995 89

Anne Börnsen

Anne Börnsen

Student assistant

Communication & Marketing


Erasmus+ Program of the European Union

Project partners

Ekopolis Foundation
Stowarzyszenie Ekologiczne “Etna”
Global 2000
Balatoni Integrációs és Fejlesztési Ügynökség Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft