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  • Biodiversity protection in the food industry

Biodiversity protection in the food industry

Projektzeitraum: February 2017 - September 2020

We preserve biodiversity.
We are strengthening the guidelines for biodiversity protection in companies in the food industry.
This means that nature is better protected along the supply chain.

Labels and standards do not take all important nature conservation requirements into account.
As a result, important criteria for the conservation of biodiversity are not taken into account.

In this project, we are developing recommendations for incorporating important criteria into existing standards and labels.
We are developing a “Biodiversity Performance Tool” and applying it on 50 pilot farms.
This tool records the status and potential for biodiversity on farms.

Project area


Monitoring system

Develop a universal monitoring system to investigate and evaluate the effects on biodiversity.


Improve the protection of biodiversity by integrating important criteria into existing standards and requirements for suppliers.


Improvement of biodiversity protection on certified farms through application of the Biodiversity Performance Tool.

Further training

Organize training courses for consultants, auditors, certified companies, quality and product managers.



Standards and companies improve their biodiversity efforts by adopting at least one third of the recommendations.


Dissemination of the general recommendations to 100 organizations, 50 companies with their own supplier specifications and 500 industry associations, environmental organizations and authorities in Germany and Europe.


Pilot farms implement action plans.
20 producer groups and large farms visit a pilot project.


Standards and companies with their own standards use the training modules and participate in the monitoring system.


Contribution to the sustainability goals

Contact person:in

Stefan Hörmann

Stefan Hörmann

Managing Director, Head of Corporate Affairs and Biodiversity

Tel: +49 228 184 86 94 11
Mobile: +49 160 532 10 52


Fundación Biodiversidad
German Federal Environmental Foundation

Project partners

Lake Constance Foundation
Nestlé Germany
Schwäbisch Hall Farmers’ Producers’ Association
Flowering Landscape Network (NBL)