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Our topics

People, climate protection, water protection, nature conservation, economy & sustainability – these are our topics, these are our passion. For holistic nature and environmental protection with a lasting effect.


We activate people to protect their local environment and nature and strengthen communities. From supplying drinking water to schools in Africa and Palestine to reforestation projects in India. Local people are always at the center of our work and actively help shape our projects.

Climate protection

Climate protection that creates the future. Together with the local people, we are reforesting tropical forests and mangroves and creating sustainable sources of income so that the trees we plant remain standing.

Water protection

Lakes and wetlands full of life – that is our goal. As coordinator of the Living Lakes network, we have been campaigning worldwide for the protection of our precious drinking water since 1998. Through the construction of green filter systems, the promotion of sustainable fishing and the fight against plastic in inland waters.

Nature conservation

We protect habitats sustainably. By finding solutions when conflicts arise between animals and humans in the same habitat, advocating for sustainable, deforestation-free supply chains and training local conservationists. So that nature and species conservation go hand in hand with local people.

Economy & Sustainability

We get the economy on board because intact ecosystems are the basis of our lives and our economy. That is why we support companies in making their supply chains biodiversity-friendly, fair and deforestation-free, investing sustainably and committing to more biodiversity through insect-friendly company premises.