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  • Shrimps & mangroves

Shrimps & mangroves

Projektzeitraum: August 2019 - April 2027

We protect thousands of hectares of mangrove forest. Through sustainable shrimp aquaculture, we enable mangroves to reclaim their former habitat. In this way, we protect the climate and nature and create a sustainable source of income for local people.

Mangrove forests are one of the most important and productive ecosystems in the world: they bind more than three to five times as much carbon dioxide as terrestrial forests and therefore have a gigantic carbon storage potential. Mangrove forests also protect coastal regions from erosion, tropical storms and storm surges. The problem: Since 1980, around 25 percent of the mangrove forests have been cleared, partly to make room for shrimp aquaculture. In our SAIME (Sustainable Aquaculture in Mangrove Ecosystems) project, we are therefore working on the development of pilot aquaculture farms that use sustainable IMA systems (integrated mangrove aquaculture). Mangroves are planted in the dams, water channels and directly in the pond. In this way, shrimp can exist in harmony with mangroves and the ecosystem is preserved.

Project area



of degraded mangrove forests by integrating mangrove trees into shrimp aquacultures.


and mutual learning between India, Germany and Bangladesh. Together we set goals and implement guidelines and sustainable business models in the shrimp trade.


local smallholders in India and Bangladesh and their cooperatives, improved access to local and national markets


for the entire value chain, developing awareness and a market for sustainably farmed shrimp


+ 50%

The income of 500 families has been proven to increase by at least 50 percent through a better value chain.


Farms are switching to sustainable shrimp aquaculture on an area of 150 hectares.


We support 500 smallholder families in making their farms fit for climate change.


We are helping to develop a local market in India and Bangladesh for organically produced shrimp and ensure that small farmers have access to this market.


Contribution to the sustainability goals

Latest news


Contact person:in

Thies Geertz

Thies Geertz

Head of Development Cooperation

Tel: +49 7732 9995 86

Andrea Schell

Andrea Schell

Project manager

Phone: +49 7732 9995 80


Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Mercedes Benz

Project partners

Bangladesh Environment and Development Society (BEDS)
Naturland – Association for Organic Farming
Nature Environment & Wildlife Society (NEWS)