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  • Conservation of fish stocks on the Río Magdalena

Conservation of fish stocks on the Río Magdalena

Projektzeitraum: November 2020 - December 2023
The fish of the Middle Río Magdalena provide food and income for 35,000 people living along the river. But there is a problem: the quantities of fish are decreasing. There are no alternative sources of income – apart from working on palm oil plantations. There is a lack of joint coordination of conservation measures and climate change is exacerbating the critical situation.
With this project, we are developing a participatory fisheries management system in which fishermen monitor the state of fish stocks, organize round tables with all stakeholders and carry out planning adapted to the fish stocks. Together with our project partner, we support residents in developing alternative business models and offer the opportunity for fishers to share their experiences through publicity.

Project area


Protection of fish stocks

Sustainable protection of the fish stocks of the Middle Río Magdalena as a livelihood for 5,000 members of fishing families.

Determination of closed seasons and catch quotas

Flexible setting of closed seasons and catch quotas to allow fishing communities to adapt to the effects of climate change.

Alternative sources of income

Creating alternative sources of income for fishermen during the closed season to reduce the pressure on fish stocks from illegal fishing.

Raise awareness

Implementation of participatory fisheries management mechanisms

Strengthening skills

Strengthening the skills and structures of fishing communities that lead to the sustainable recovery of stocks.




8 fishing agreements between 4 fishing associations and local stakeholders were negotiated and enforced.


Overall, 20 percent more fishermen are participating in local measures to conserve fish stocks.


A fish farming project with indigenous species has been initiated that benefits 40 families, at least 30 percent of whom are women.


To create alternative income opportunities, a micro-enterprise in sand mining and a fishing supply store were established and 20 canoes were purchased for rental and transportation services.


Residents have increased their income by an average of 20 percent since 2020.


Contribution to the sustainability goals

Latest news


Contact person:in

Katharina Gehrig

Katharina Gehrig

Project manager

Development Cooperation
Tel: +49 7732 9995 86


Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Ursula Merz Foundation

Project partners

Fundación Humedales