Freshwater is one of the most valuable resources on our planet; our food production, drinking water supply and biodiversity depend on it. But lakes and wetlands, reservoirs of our precious freshwater, are among the most endangered ecosystems of all. Climate change is further accelerating the serious effects of overexploitation, overexploitation, degradation and water pollution.

What we do
We protect the world’s lakes and wetlands. By building green filter systems in Latin America and Jordan, we are ensuring clean drinking water and healthier water ecosystems. By taking concrete measures to avoid plastic waste in and around bodies of water, we are reducing water pollution. And through the global Living Lakes network that we coordinate, we create a worldwide exchange of knowledge and regularly set up new water protection projects.

GNF has built green filter systems together with its project partners worldwide.
cubic meters of wastewater are purified annually by the green filter systems.

Living lake of the year
Threatened lake of the year
