According to UNICEF, 2.2 billion people worldwide do not have regular access to clean water. This particularly affects developing countries such as Côte d’Ivoire and Kenya, causing illness and even death.
With “Drinking Cups for Drinking Water”, soccer fans at Hannover 96 home games donate their cup deposit to our drinking water projects in Africa. Since the start of the project, 570,000 euros have been donated for the construction and repair of wells in Africa. This is only possible thanks to the many years of tireless commitment of the volunteers.
Thanks to these donations, we were able to build groundwater pumps in Africa, enabling 135,000 people to benefit from clean water in the immediate vicinity of their homes. This not only makes daily life easier for local residents, as they – especially women and girls – no longer have to walk for miles to water points or rivers, but also prevents illnesses caused by the use of contaminated and germ-laden river water.
Project area
Drinking water supply
for people in Africa through the construction of groundwater pumps in 7 African countries.
diseases caused by contaminated drinking water.
570.000 €
Donations collected thanks to the support of many volunteers
Clean water for 135,000 people through the construction of groundwater pumps
5 schools in Malawi receive groundwater pumps that supply around 20,000 pupils and teachers and a further 600 households with water
Groundwater pumps put into operation in Côte d’Ivoire.
Contribution to the sustainability goals
Current and already implemented projects
- Drinking water at three schools in central Burundi for a total of 4,100 people, 2,200 from the schools and 1,900 from the communities.
- Drinking water for 500 people in the Uibes Community, Namibia.
- Drinking water for 2700 pupils and a further 300 community residents in Malawi (until July 2024)
- Water supply at the Institute for Adult Education (470 students) on Lake Victoria in Tanzania and other local residents (until August 2024)
- Drinking water for schools in Malawi
- Drinking water for the community of Gumbi in South Africa
Latest news
– Message with current seasonal results/donation results
– Interview with Anja Kutzke in the 2022 activity report
– DUHwelt_2016_Ein Leben ohne fließendes Wasser
Contact persons
Stefan Hörmann
Managing Director, Head of Corporate Affairs and Biodiversity
Tel: +49 228 184 86 94 11
Mobile: +49 160 532 10 52