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  • Improving the living conditions of nomadic families in Buir-Nuur/Eastern Mongolia

Improving the living conditions of nomadic families in Buir-Nuur/Eastern Mongolia

Projektzeitraum: Since 2024

We have been supporting nomadic families in eastern Mongolia since 2024. To protect the pastureland from desertification, we are securing shifting sand dunes and thus preventing the threat of silting up. At the same time, local people are learning how to grow trees from seeds and plant seedlings themselves in order to strengthen the ecosystem in the long term and secure their livelihoods.

Our project goal is to improve the living conditions of nomadic herder families at Lake Buir in Mongolia through ecosystem-based measures. The degraded ecosystem poses a challenge for these often financially weak families, as it makes it difficult to secure an adequate livelihood.

We support the families by introducing natural windbreakers and composting. Together with the local population, we are setting up a tree nursery to grow native seedlings for natural wind barriers. These barriers will reduce sand drift and soil erosion, thereby protecting the pastureland and the lake. We are also setting up centralized compost production from organic household waste to increase the soil fertility of the degraded pastureland

Project area




Building greenhouses


Produce seedlings


Train people for reforestation



1 ha

Reforest and fortify 1 ha of shifting sand dune


Training 60 people on site


35 ha

Improve 35 ha of pastureland



1 Pilot plant for composting


Contribution to the sustainability goals

Contact person

Dr. Thomas Schaefer

Dr. Thomas Schaefer

Head of Living Lakes & Water and Nature Conservation

Tel: +49 7732 9995 89


Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)