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Corporate donation

Your company: Strong for people and nature

Protecting biodiversity together

The Global Nature Fund is committed to sustainable environmental protection and nature conservation both nationally and internationally. However, this requires not only expertise, personnel and time, but also reliable partners – and of course financial resources.

Become active as a company!

By donating or cooperating with the GNF, you make a significant contribution to the long-term protection and preservation of the environment and biodiversity and to the sustainable fight against poverty in developing countries. Your company is associated with social values.


Advantages for your company


You increase your reputation, credibility and awareness


You increase the satisfaction of your employees and customers


You strengthen the image of your company

How your donation works

We can achieve a lot together, especially with free donations.
Because we can use them where they are most urgently needed.
As GNF, we are committed to biodiversity for all in around 40 projects worldwide.
It does not matter whether your company is a global player or a small or medium-sized enterprise.
Your donation makes a difference!

Forest protection

Protection and reforestation of forests and mangroves

Clean drinking water

Clean drinking water for communities and schoolchildren

Water protection

Water protection on 50,000 hectares worldwide

Do you have any questions? Talk to us.

Manuela Köstner

Manuela Köstner

Financial and administrative assistant

Tel: +49 7732 9995 878

Donation account

GLS-Gemeinschaftsbank Bochum
IBAN: DE 53 4306 0967 8040 4160 00

Pass it on

Of course, everyone can find out about your company’s donation to the GNF (if you wish). If you have any questions about communication and the associated use of GNF content, please contact us. We are happy to support you.

Kristin Mehler

Kristin Mehler

Communications & Marketing Manager

More than just a cash injection

You can also get involved in biodiversity issues with your company beyond a corporate donation. Everything is possible, from sponsoring to strategic cooperation measures such as the biodiversity check. You can find more information about the various options for companies here.