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  • Investments for the forest!

Investments for the forest!

Projektzeitraum: April 2021 - August 2023
We make investments more sustainable. To this end, we publish up-to-date information and recommendations on green securities.

The financial market has a major impact on nature and the climate. The EU’s Green Deal aims to make the European economy more sustainable. Green securities are supposed to help protect forests and biodiversity. But they often do not. The EU taxonomy wants to ensure transparency. However, many financial market players need support in dealing with this.

We carry out a comprehensive market analysis. We publish the results of this and develop recommendations for investment offers.

Project area



Information and support

Information and support for changes in action for players on the financial market.

Market analysis

Carrying out a market analysis of investment offers and creating a differentiation aid with regard to the meaningfulness and sustainability of these offers.


Development and publication of recommendations on the ecological and social sustainability of forest investments.


Market analysis and examination of investment offers for forest and biodiversity protection with regard to their social and ecological effects and risks.
Convene a round table with providers, political representatives and other financial market players on the current market and jointly develop recommendations for politicians and providers.
Dissemination of information and public relations work by means of three webinars, the creation of a guide and participation in an event.


Contribution to the sustainability goals

Contact person:in

Steffen Kemper

Steffen Kemper

Project manager

Business and Biodiversity
Tel: +49 228 184 86 94 16


Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation

Project partners

OroVerde – The Tropical Forest Foundation