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  • Updated guide “EMAS and biodiversity”

Updated guide “EMAS and biodiversity”

3. May 2023

The protection of biodiversity secures our livelihoods and economic basis. This realization is also becoming increasingly widespread among business players. Until now, climate protection has been the focus of corporate environmental measures, but now the protection of biodiversity is becoming an increasingly important field of action. But how can companies live up to their responsibility for biodiversity? Where do they start? And what aspects should they take into account? The “EMAS and Biodiversity” guidelines are aimed at all companies that want to make progress in the field of biodiversity. The EU environmental management system EMAS provides an excellent framework for this, but the information and tips are also helpful for companies with a different management system – or without one.

03.05.2023: Companies can find out why they should be concerned with biodiversity in the updated guide “EMAS and Biodiversity”: New and planned laws and EU directives, increasing consumer awareness, stricter requirements from financial institutions and/or business partners are among the important reasons.

The guide explains how this complex topic can be operationalized for the various areas of the company: from the company premises to purchasing and extraction of raw materials to product development, transport and logistics. Marketing and communication are part of this, as is the involvement of interest groups. The links to biodiversity, the challenges and possible objectives and measures are described for all areas. Suggestions for indicators for monitoring and positive examples complete the input for an improved management of biodiversity.

In her foreword, Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke emphasizes: “I would very much welcome it if other companies and organizations that want to do something to protect biodiversity also use the guide as a source of inspiration and assistance. Because we need much more active commitment from the business community in order to make progress in preserving our livelihoods.”

The guide is published by the Global Nature Fund and the Lake Constance Foundation – two of the five partner organizations responsible for implementing the “Unternehmen Biologische Vielfalt (UBi)” project. UBi is a long-term dialogue and action platform initiated and supported by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) together with other federal authorities, business associations and nature conservation organizations. The project is funded by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation with funds from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.

The guide is available for download in German and English at:

By the way: The Lake Constance Foundation provides an overview of the contents of the guidelines as part of a webinar. Interested parties can register for one of the three dates:

Monday, May 15 from 3 – 4:30 p.m.
Monday, June 12 from 3 – 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, June 27 from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Simply send an informal registration by e-mail to Michael Scholz(

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