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  • Better opportunities for Palestinian children!

Better opportunities for Palestinian children!

Projektzeitraum: November 2022 - May 2025
We enable thousands of pupils to learn. We are building solar systems and water filters at schools in the Jordan Valley. This supplies the schools with water and electricity all year round.

School conditions for children in the Palestinian Jordan Valley are difficult. Due to inadequate power supplies, power cuts and a lack of air conditioning, many pupils are absent from school, especially in the hot summer months. As a result, many do not pass all their exams.

The poorest communities in Palestine are located in the Jordan Valley. The population suffers from severe water shortages and conventional ground and surface water sources are endangered by industrial and natural pollution.

Project area



Energy supply

Ensuring an uninterrupted energy supply and environmental quality at schools

Educational opportunities

Increasing educational opportunities by improving the learning environment for a total of 2,586 pupils at three schools

Clean water

Enabling access to clean water and sanitary facilities at two schools as well as the creation of green and recreational areas for effective recreation during breaks


Raising awareness of climate change, clean energy and water reuse among students and local stakeholders through 24 workshops for students, three workshops for teachers and three events for parent councils on environmental education and awareness.


80 percent of the classrooms are equipped with air conditioning and fans.
Pupils’ participation in lessons was increased by 50 percent.
Solar systems are being installed at the three schools in Jeftlik, Ein Al Sultan and Al Auja.
The water from the schools’ toilet facilities is treated in three newly installed gray water treatment plants and used to irrigate the three newly created schoolyard gardens.


Contribution to the sustainability goals

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Contact persons

Thies Geertz

Thies Geertz

Head of Development Cooperation

Tel: +49 7732 9995 86


Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Foundation Opportunities for Children

Project partners