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  • Webinar Reporting with IHK Nordwestfalen

Webinar Reporting with IHK Nordwestfalen

19. March 2024

21.03.2024, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
The aim of the Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is for companies to report more transparently on sustainability, introduce binding reporting standards and place sustainability reporting on the same level as financial reporting.

Webinar: Biodiversity & CSRD – reporting on biodiversity correctly

What is new is that there is a comprehensive reporting standard on biodiversity and ecosystems! In future, affected companies will therefore have to report on their impacts on and dependencies on biodiversity. This means that they need to expand their sustainability reporting with regard to nature, ecosystems and species, in some cases considerably. In this webinar, we would like to answer your questions about the practical implementation of reporting.

The event is a joint information offering of the “Virtual Competence Center for Sustainable Business” of the IHKs in NRW.

Place: online
Time: 21.03.2024, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
free of charge