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  • Cordial invitation: Dümmer celebrates title “Living Lake of the Year 2022”

Cordial invitation: Dümmer celebrates title “Living Lake of the Year 2022”

10. May 2022

The Dümmer lowlands with the shallow lake offer
not only to the rare ruff, but also to the
unique habitat. Photo: © B. Volmer

With their prestigious title, the Global Nature Fund, the Ökologische Station Naturschutzring Dümmer e.V. and the Netzwerk Lebendige Seen Deutschland celebrate the lake in Lower Saxony as a successful example of committed nature conservation. All interested parties are cordially invited to attend the official award ceremony of the Dümmer on May 16.

Radolfzell, 10.05.2022: With their award of the Dümmer as “Living Lake of the Year 2022”, the Global Nature Fund (GNF) and the Living Lakes Network Germany are drawing attention to the dedicated work of the Ökologische Station Naturschutzring Dümmer e.V., other associations, institutions and nature conservation authorities to protect this valuable ecosystem. The title is a reason to celebrate, even if the Dümmerwasser does not currently reach bathing quality everywhere, and will finally be awarded again after a two-year corona break at a public event to which representatives of the media and all other interested parties are cordially invited:

May 16, 2022, 2.30 p.m. in the Amtshof Lemförde, Alter Rittersaal, Hauptstr. 80, 49448 Lemförde

(Interested parties please register:

After a welcoming address by Lars Mentrup, Mayor of the municipality of Altes Amt Lemförde, Dr. Thomas Schaefer, Head of Living Lakes & Nature Conservation at the Global Nature Fund, presents the official certificate to the Dümmer e.V. Ecological Station Nature Conservation Ring on behalf of the numerous stakeholders in the region whose many years of commitment are to be honoured with the award.

Evi Hoch from the Board of the Wilo-Foundation and Jonas Wiesen from the rowing team of the German eight will give welcoming speeches. Frank Apffelstaedt from Naturschutzring Dümmer e.V. will provide a deeper insight into the various aspects of protecting the entire Dümmer region. and Hans-Heinrich Schuster from the Lower Saxony State Agency for Water Management, Coastal Defence and Nature Conservation and Martin Brühne from the Kleve Nature Conservation Center in their expert contributions.

Program for the award of the title “Dümmer – Living Lake of the Year 2022” on 16.05.2022

2:30 pm

Greetings & laudatory speech

Frank Apffelstaedt, Naturschutzring Dümmer e.V.

Lars Mentrup, Mayor of Samtgemeinde Altes Amt Lemförde

Laudation for the “Living Lake of the Year 2022”
Thomas Schaefer, Head of Living Lakes & Nature Conservation, Global Nature Fund

Evi Hoch, Chairman of the Wilo-Foundation and Jonas Wiesen, Germany Eight


Coffee break & press photo

Short presentations


… On the way to the lake of the year – A brief review
Frank Apffelstaedt, Naturschutzring Dümmer e.V.


On the restoration of the Dümmer: Even a lake needs to recover – How reeds help the lake
Hans-Heinrich Schuster, NLWKN, GB II – Lake Competence Center Sulingen


Protection and development of reedbeds at the Bienener Altrhein. The LIFE project “Lebendige Röhrichte – Reeds for Life”; NRW
Martin Brühne, Nature Conservation Center in the Kleve District


End of the event

The Wilo-Foundation’s support of the Living Lakes Network Germany makes it possible to pass on the important experiences from the Dümmer to other lake regions in Germany. The foundation supports water-related projects worldwide, including GNF initiatives. With the help of the Wilo-Foundation, the network was also able to recruit the rowers of the German eight, multiple world and European champions, as ambassadors for “Living Lakes Germany”.


The Global Nature Fund (GNF) and the Living Lakes Network Germany annually nominate the “Living Lake of the Year” on UN World Water Day, March 22. The award draws attention to lakes and wetlands as valuable ecosystems and unique natural treasures and highlights achievements in their protection. The initiative is based on the international “Threatened Lake of the Year” campaign. Combined with activities throughout the year, the campaign contributes to solving problems in lakes and wetlands.

Living Lakes Network Germany

The Dümmer is one of the partner lakes in the German Living Lakes Network, represented by the Naturschutzring Dümmer e.V., which has been committed to the preservation and development of nature at the Dümmer and in the neighboring regions (Diepholz, Vechta and Osnabrück districts) since 1993. The Living Lakes Network Germany was founded by GNF in 2009 and is linked to the globally active Living Lakes Network, a platform for cooperation on the permanent and sustainable development of lakes with over 130 organizations. The Living Lakes Network Germany was recognized as an official project of the UN Decade on Biodiversity in 2016.

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Contact us

Global Nature Fund (GNF)
International Foundation
for the environment and nature
Fritz-Reichle-Ring 4
D-78315 Radolfzell
Phone: +49 (0)7732 9995-80

Ecological Station Naturschutzring Dümmer e.V.
Working group of the three nature conservation associations
Biologische Schutzgemeinschaft Hunte Weser-Ems e.V. (BSH),
Mellumrat e.V. and Naturschutzbund e.V. (LV)
Am Ochsenmoor 52 (Dümmer nature conservation station building)
D-49448 Hüde
Phone: +49 (0)5443 1367

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