GNF - Projects Nature Conservation

Our Projects in the Unit of Nature Conservation


Projects in America

Projects in Europe

Projects in Asia

 Wurzeln des Lebens

Roots of life

Improved living conditions through optimised production practices in agriculture and livestock farming as well as the reforestation of forests in the Sierras of Chapala in Mexico are the project goals.

 Armutsbekämpfung, Wiederaufforstung und nachhaltige Landwirtschaft im Hochland von Guatemala

Reforestation and agriculture

Together with the organisation Vivamos Mejor Guatemala, we are implementing a project for poverty reduction, reforestation and sustainable agriculture in the highlands of Guatemala.


 Lower Yuna National Park

Lower Yuna National Park

A new management plan is being developed in the national park. The restoration of the mangrove forests, but also awareness-raising measures and new activities in ecotourism will be considered.


 Biodiversity-friendly cultivation of bananas and pineapples

Biodiversity-friendly Cultivation of Bananas and Pineapples

In Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic, bananas and pineapples are often grown in monocultures for export. The protection of biodiversity should be integrated into the value chains of both fruits.

 Nature without Barriers

Nature without Barriers

Within the European Union, tourism is an important issue for everyone, especially for people with disabilities. We help to create Barrier-free paths to meet mobile restrictions.


 Inspiring for Biodiversity

Inspiring for Biodiversity

How can we get people excited about the topic of biodiversity? Only a balanced and intact environment secures the stock of ecosystems, genetic diversity and the wealth of species.


 Mitigating conflicts between humans and elephants

Mitigating conflicts between humans and elephants

In the border area between Nepal and India, the protection of Asian elephants is being strengthened. With the participation of the local population, the interests of land use are brought into harmony with the habitats of the animals.

 Hovsgol Lake National Park Management in Mongolia

Hovsgol Lake National Park Management in Mongolia

Increasing numbers of tourists secure additional income for traditionally living nomads, but at the same time the visitors leave more than just footprints in nature: the increasing amount of waste has to be managed.

 Dr. Thomas Schaefer


Dr. Thomas Schaefer

Head of Nature Conservation

GNF Office Radolfzell 

Phone: +49 7732 9995 89
