Project Partners
Nature Environment & Wildlife Society (NEWS) is a non-profit NGO based in Kolkata, which was founded in 1991 and has so far been involved in over 40 projects for nature and ecosystem conservation, the preservation of natural resources and the preservation of the natural basis of life in poor rural communities. GNF has been working closely with NEWS since 2016, among others in two BMZ-funded projects in mangrove protection. The reduction of conflicts between humans and elephants is another long-standing focal point of NEWS' work.
Ujayalo Nepal from Badia Nepal, is a recognised local and non-profit nature conservation organisation founded in 2007. Its work focuses on the sustainable development of communities on the edge of protected areas and the prevention of conflicts with wildlife, especially elephants.
The Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU, Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V.) is the oldest and largest conservation union in Germany and a cooperation partner on elephant conservation in South Asia.