Fair Wear Works – Sustainable textile purchasing in sports clubs

Fair Wear Works - Sustainable textile purchasing in sports clubs & the healthcare sector


©Anastasia Shuraeva auf Pexels



#FairWearWorks web seminar

“A look into the future: opportunities and challenges of textile-to-textile recycling”

July 4, 2024, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Link to registration



Whether it's new swimsuits, jerseys, cycling shorts or fan merchandise - have you ever thought about how sustainable the textiles used in your club are?


In Germany alone, around €11 billion was spent on sportswear and shoes in 2020 (BMWi Sportwirtschaft as of 10/2021) and are therefore not only of central economic importance, especially as they are also produced under ecologically and socially problematic conditions.


Functional sportswear is predominantly made from synthetic fibers. These are produced from non-renewable raw materials - primarily crude oil - and with a high energy consumption and therefore have an enormous CO2 footprint. Wastewater and chemical management, hazardous waste and air pollution are further risk factors that also release heavy metals, microplastics and other pollutants into the soil, groundwater and air beyond the manufacturing process during use, but above all during disposal.


With its motto of fair play, popular and professional sport acts as a role model for society. This makes it all the more important to take responsibility in purchasing practices - for the observance of human rights and the preservation of the environment worldwide. A change in textile purchasing also strengthens the population's awareness of sustainable development.


©sabinevanerp auf Pixabay


©boom 💥 auf Pexels

 Lata und Tara mit den Setzlingen 
aus ihrer Baumschule

©Kampus Production auf Pexels


The healthcare sector is committed to protecting and caring for people. This makes it all the more important to take responsibility when purchasing textiles: Sustainable purchasing practices help to establish fair working conditions and social standards in the textile industry and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and environmental pollution.


©iStock, Scukrov


©Sasin Tipchai auf Pixabay

 Lata und Tara mit den Setzlingen 
aus ihrer Baumschule

©iStock, ljubaphoto


Project goals

We want to support purchasing managers in incorporating sustainability criteria into the procurement of textiles used by the association. Because every step in the supply chain has an impact - be it on working conditions, water resources, biodiversity or climate change.


Sports clubs play a central role when it comes to rethinking globally and paving the way for greater sustainability. With this project, we are making a contribution to development education by sensitizing representatives of the target groups to the relevance of the topic of textiles and communicating the dependencies behind the problems of the textile supply chain. We convey concrete scope for action and thus contribute to an understanding of global challenges.


Fair textile purchasing plays an important role in the sustainability management of a healthcare facility. It serves as a driver for socio-ecological transformation, which requires an economic rethink towards greater sustainability. In addition, the German Supply Chain Duty of Care Act, which came into force in 2023, places corporate responsibility in a legally binding framework and obliges companies to act sustainably.


You too can set the course for sustainability and buy your textiles and workwear sustainably. We will accompany you on your way with our educational offers. Please feel free to contact us.


Project measures

  • Measure 1: Webinar series in breakfast format "Auf einen Kaffee.... on fair textile procurement in sports clubs & the healthcare sector

Take part in exciting discussions with experts/practitioners on various topics in the context of fair textile procurement in sports clubs and the healthcare sector.

  • Measure 2: Workshops "Fair textile sourcing in practice"

We offer guidance in the jungle of seals and standards and sensitize your members or employees to social and ecological grievances along global textile supply chains and offer concrete support for the changeover in sports clubs and the healthcare sector.







Supported by ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL with funds from the:

 Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)


Project partner

Since 2020, GNF & Femnet have been successfully advising companies and sports clubs on their way to sustainable textile purchasing.



Contact GNF

Bettina Faust

Project management Fair Wear Works

+49 172 9765732

E-Mail: b.faust@globalnature.org


Contact FEMNET

Jil Carmen Holtbernd

Procurement Officer

+49 228 90 91 73 09

E-Mail: jil.holtbernd@femnet.de


Project period:


Project country:


Project partner:







May 1, 2023 - April 30, 2026






Engagement Global with funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation & Development




Contribution to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals

The project aims to make a concrete contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):