Hunger and poverty fuel the vicious circle
In the last two decades, the amount of rainfall in East Africa has decreased significantly and the water level of the huge lake has dropped. Human-induced siltation and sedimentation at the lake further accelerate the decline of the water level. This also threatens the livelihoods of millions of local fishermen and their families in Malawi, Tanzania and Mozambique. Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world. More than half of the population lives below the poverty line, and a quarter of the people live in extreme poverty. The precarious economic conditions drive environmental degradation: starving people are unable to make the critical trade-offs required for the sustainable use of natural resources. Especially in the communities directly surrounding the lake, people often lack the most basic necessities. Out of necessity, environmentally damaging fishing methods are adopted, often ignoring closed seasons and legal frameworks.
Possible ways out of the crisis
So far, the aforementioned problems coupled with natural disasters, lack of financial and technical capacity, lack of knowledge on how to protect water ecosystems and weak policy coordination have hampered efforts to protect Lake Malawi. However, it is not too late to change the situation at the lake for the better. Therefore, GNF and Living Lakes together with AfES Malawi demand the immediate implementation of the following measures:
- Rehabilitation of all degraded areas on Lake Malawi and in its catchment area, including the promotion of biodiversity-friendly agriculture;
- Reducing direct pressure on the lake by raising awareness and providing alternative livelihoods, e.g. fish farming in ponds;
- Improve capacity and knowledge of aquatic ecosystems among local people and decision-makers, and increase consideration of sustainable management of aquatic ecosystems in development planning;
- Targeted training of relevant professionals and communities on data collection, processing and storage for informed decision-making on aquatic ecosystem protection and restoration;
- More equitable sharing of access to lake biodiversity and its ecosystem services.
First steps in the right direction
AfES is implementing concrete projects in cooperation with GNF to combat threats at Lake Malawi.. For Thies Geertz, project manager at GNF, awareness raising and education of the local people play a central role: "We want to support the decision-makers of responsible authorities, fisheries associations, management committees and village committees in the sustainable use of natural resources. Farmers receive training in biodiversity-friendly agriculture, agroforestry and fishpond management. If we work with local people to develop alternative livelihoods, they have a chance to sustain their own livelihoods."