GNF - Publications Living Lakes & Water

Publications of the unit Living Lakes & Water


Flashlight Study (2023)

Lakes and Climate Change in Europe:

Current situation and need for restoration


This Flashlight Study on Lakes and Climate Change in Europe highlights present research on the impacts of climate change on lakes and wetlands from different European regions as well as possible mitigation and adaptation approaches and successful project examples. The study also summarizes funding options for wetland restoration and climate change mitigation projects.

Further information about the European Living Lakes Association ELLA is available here.

 Wetlands and Lakes – Actions for Climate Protection

Further information about the Flash Light Study Lakes and Climate Change


Further information about the international Network Living Lakes are available here.

 Living Lakes Goals 2019 - 2024

Further information about the international Network Living Lakes are available here.

 Regional NGO Master Plan for Sustainable Development in the Jordan Valley

Further information about the project are available here.


Brochure (2012)


Living Lakes - Goals 2012 - 2017 (6.6 MB)

Further information about the international Network Living Lakes are available here.

 10 Years Living Lakes - A Sucess Story

Brochure (September 2008)


10 Years Living Lakes - A Sucess Story (1.5 MB)

Further information about the international Network Living Lakes are available here.

 Brochure Living Lakes Goals 2005 - 2010

Brochure (2005)


Living Lakes - Goals 2005 - 2010 (633 KB)

Further information about the international Network Living Lakes are available here.


The GNF published different articles of the unit Living Lakes & Water (in German), which you can find here.