Background Columbia River Wetlands
The Columbia River Wetlands are located in the Rocky Mountains rift valley. The Rocky Mountains form the boundary in the east and the Purcell Mountains in the west. The rift is 1,600 km long and 5 to 5 km wide. The Columbia River Wetlands are 180 km long and covers an area of 201 sq. km. Two lakes (Columbia Lake, the headwaters of the Columbia River, a critical water source for the Pacific north west region of north America, and Windermere Lake) as well as seasonally flooded marshes and back channels form the wetlands.
The region is part of the 44,000 sq. km East-Kootenay-Region, located in the southeast corner of British Columbia Canada, with a population of 60,000 people. However, resident and visitor populations are growing rapidly with a one year 30 % increase in visitor statistics.