GNF - Archives of Press Releases

Archives of Press Releases of Global Nature Fund

  • Raising Awareness of the Plight of the Dead Sea11/21/2016

    Raising Awareness of the Plight of the Dead Sea

    Seven Hour Swim across the Dead Sea

  • 09/30/2016

    2016 Sustainable Destinations Top 100

    100 Destinations Win Global Sustainability Competition

  • Richest fish inland water body in Southeast Asia – The Tonle Sap Lake is "Threatened Lake of the Year 2016"01/28/2016

    Richest fish inland water body in Southeast Asia – The Tonle Sap Lake is "Threatened Lake of the Year 2016"

    Dam construction and climate change influence the natural water cycles of the streams in the Lower Mekong Basin. This causes a domino effect with dramatic consequences on the unique ecosystem of Lake Tonle Sap.

  • 01/21/2016

    ARCOS and GNF start a partnership to foster sustainable management of freshwater ecosystems

    News release

  • SEKISUI European Children’s Eco Summit 2015 in Germany09/16/2015

    SEKISUI European Children’s Eco Summit 2015 in Germany

    After three events in Asia, SEKISUI Chemical Co., Ltd. brought its Children’s Eco Summit back to Europe. Co-hosted by SEKISUI and the Global Nature Fund, the event took place from 4 to 6 September at Lake Constance, Germany. The Children’s Eco Summit, established in 2007 for the 60th anniversary of the company, offers children of the employees the opportunity to experience, learn and talk about the environment and nature.

  • Planeta Azul Award for ecological, low-cost sewage treatment initiative in Colombia06/23/2015

    Planeta Azul Award for ecological, low-cost sewage treatment initiative in Colombia

    Radolfzell, June 23, 2015: The Green Filter in San Miguel de Sema (Colombia) was honoured in June 2015 with the First Great Prize during the XII Planeta Azul Awards, sponsored by Banco Occidental from Colombia. The Planeta Azul Awards aims at raising awareness in Colombia on the need to preserve and protect the valuable natural resources. To achieve this goal, the ecological contest "National Ecology Award Planeta Azul: Water, principle of life" with a strong focus on water has been launched in 1993.

  • 06/10/2015

    NGO transboundary master plan for restoration of the Lower Jordan River: A vision for cooperation and dialogue in the Jordan Valley

    NGO Master Plan for the restoration of the Lower Jordan River, a bridge for dialogue between Palestinians, Israeli and Jordanians - how naive! This statement has been heard continuously during the 3 years long project by EcoPeace Middle East. Repeatedly, the answer for that was the same: "It is naive to believe that the current situation can go on, it is naive to think that Palestinians, Israeli and Jordanians can go on without change."

  • Water is precious and a key element for sustainable development03/18/2015

    Water is precious and a key element for sustainable development

    Since the launch of the international Network Living Lakes in 1998, Global Nature Fund together with its local partners are actively working for a more sustainable use of water and aquatic ecosystems in order to preserve our precious natural resource and to protect the biodiversity and livelihoods relying on it.

  • Initiatives from Thailand and Europe strengthen collaboration on Business and Biodiversity 01/30/2015

    Initiatives from Thailand and Europe strengthen collaboration on Business and Biodiversity 

    The Biodiversity-Based Economy Development Office (BEDO) from Thailand and the Global Nature Fund, leader of the European Business and Biodiversity Campaign (EBBC) intensify their collaboration to support companies in corporate biodiversity management.

  • The Blue Pearl of Mongolia: Lake Hovsgol is the Threatened Lake of the Year 201501/29/2015

    The Blue Pearl of Mongolia: Lake Hovsgol is the Threatened Lake of the Year 2015

    Estimated to be two to five million years old, Lake Hovsgol is one of the most ancient lakes in the world. Known by Mongolians as "Mother Sea", it is ranked the 16th largest lake in the world by volume, holding 70 % of Mongolia’s fresh water reserves, and providing the headwaters to 20 % of earth’s freshwater in Lake Baikal. In the next decade, however, this may no longer be the case. Mongolia quickly embraced capitalism in the 1990s, opening its pristine landscape to international mining businesses and the ever-increasing demand for animal products. Due to these unprecedented changes, Lake Hovsgol — and to a wider extend the whole of Mongolia — stands at a crossroads with the choice of facing an environmental crisis or taking actions to preserve their most important cultural and natural resource.
