GNF - Archives of Press Releases

Archives of Press Releases of Global Nature Fund

  • New Biodiversity Fact Sheets show how biodiversity on fields can be protected  11/20/2018

    New Biodiversity Fact Sheets show how biodiversity on fields can be protected  

    The partners of the European LIFE Food & Biodiversity project have published eight Biodiversity Fact Sheets. They show which measures can be used to protect and promote biodiversity in the cultivation of wheat, sugar beet, vegetables, pome fruit, wine and olives, cocoa, livestock and dairy production.

  • Certification as a sustainable and biodiversity destination in the Dominican Republic11/09/2018

    Certification as a sustainable and biodiversity destination in the Dominican Republic

    Las Galeras explores ways towards international certification as a sustainable and biodiversity destination

  • Voluntary environmental standards at risk10/31/2018

    Voluntary environmental standards at risk

    In the negotiations on the EU directive "Unfair Trading Practices" some members of the EU Parliament want to weaken voluntary environmental and animal welfare standards. The partners of the LIFE Food & Biodiversity project warn of the consequences. Voluntary standards and procurement requirements are indispensable for sustainable food production, as legal requirements are not sufficient to solve urgent ecological and social problems.

  • Biodiversity – It’s Your Business08/08/2018

    Biodiversity – It’s Your Business

    New publication of Global Nature Fund (GNF) presents international best practice examples of Pro Biodiversity Businesses and successful approaches from seven protected areas in the Danube and Dinaric regions in local language.

  • Strong Growth in Biodiversity Awareness in Germany over the last 10 years06/20/2018

    Strong Growth in Biodiversity Awareness in Germany over the last 10 years

    Consumers expect companies to respect biodiversity in their operations - but confidence in business is low

  • Fundación Global Nature wins Ramsar Award for its contribution to wetland conservation worldwide05/15/2018

    Fundación Global Nature wins Ramsar Award for its contribution to wetland conservation worldwide

    Fundación Global Nature, Spanish entity dedicated to nature conservation, is the 2018 winner of the Ramsar Convention Award in the Wise Use category.
    The prize acknowledges Fundación Global Nature’s 25 years of work on more than 100 wetlands, 14,000 hectares and an € 18 million investment.
    The Ramsar Wetland Conservation Awards are among the most prestigious international prizes on nature protection.

  • Sri Lankan Lakes under Pressure02/02/2018

    Sri Lankan Lakes under Pressure

    Global Nature Fund nominates Lake Bolgoda and Lake Madampe as "Threatened Lakes of the Year 2018" on the occasion of the World Wetlands Day.

  • Energy Globe Award for the Environmental Foundation Global Nature Fund07/26/2017

    Energy Globe Award for the Environmental Foundation Global Nature Fund

    The Energy Globe Award – an internationally acclaimed and renowned environmental prize for resource management, energy efficiency and renewable energies – has found its way to Lake Constance. The environmental foundation Global Nature Fund was presented with the Energy Globe Award for two of their projects in Burundi and Colombia.

  • Tackling the extinction – how food standards address the loss of biodiversity04/28/2017

    Tackling the extinction – how food standards address the loss of biodiversity

    European Initiative "Biodiversity in Standards and Labels for the Food Sector" publishes insights on how protection of biodiversity is currently addressed in standards and labels for the food sector

  • Lake Tanganyika, a lake of superlatives, is "Threatened Lake of the Year 2017"01/31/2017

    Lake Tanganyika, a lake of superlatives, is "Threatened Lake of the Year 2017"

    Global Nature Fund nominates Lake Tanganyika as "Threatened Lake of the Year". Sedimentation, pollution and overexploitation jeopardise Africa’s second largest lake. With almost 17 % of the world's available fresh water, Lake Tanganyika is of global importance and source of life for millions of people.
