GNF - Deutscher Naturschutzring (DNR)

Deutscher Naturschutzring (DNR) - German League for Nature Conservation and Environmental Protection 

The Deutscher Naturschutzring (DNR) is the umbrella organization of German associations active in nature conservation and environmental protection in Germany. The DNR was founded in 1950 with 15 member associations; today it has about 100 member associations, reaching about 11 million people. Among its members is the Global Nature Fund.
The DNR has set itself the goal of

  • to preserve biological diversity, to protect, restore, safeguard, maintain and improve the natural balance and all its components, and to stop the destruction and degradation of nature, landscape and the environment,
  • to counteract all actions that impair a livable and natural environment now or in the future,
  • to contribute to anchoring the principle of sustainable and environmentally sound action in all private and public decision-making processes,
  • to develop and present models, approaches and solutions for sustainable ways of living and doing business and to work for their implementation, especially in industrialized countries,
  • to work towards ensuring that the protection of nature, animals, the environment and species is given due consideration in politics and society.


Deutscher Naturschutzring e.V. (DNR)
Dachverband der deutschen Natur-, Tier- und Umweltschutzorganisationen
President: Dr. Kai Niebert
Marienstraße 19–20
10117 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 67 81 775 70
Fax: +49 30 67 81 775 80
Twitter: @naturschutzring

 Deutscher Naturschutzring (DNR)