Marion Hammerl, President of Global Nature Fund opens 3rd World Economic Conference on Low carbon Eco-Economy in Nanchang, China.

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Marion Hammerl, President of Global Nature Fund opens 3rd World Economic Conference on Low carbon Eco-Economy in Nanchang, China.

Last weekend Nanchang China was the location for the 3rd World Economic Conference on Low-carbon EcoEconomy. Marion Hammerl, president of Global Nature Fund, based in Radolfzell, Germany, opened this conference together with Qiang Wei, secretary of Jangxi Provincial Party Committee, Han Qide, vice chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, representatives of neighboring provinces, from different countries and from science and economy. 5,000 participants from companies, administration, policy, and associations from economy met to discuss chances and processes of ecological economy, made contacts and sought for solutions for ongoing challenges.

Nanchang/China, November 26, 2014: The contribution of Marion Hammerl took place in the framework of the 14th Living Lakes conference which was held in Nanchang at the same time. Marion Hammerl mentioned that 70 % of Chinese rivers and lakes and 60 % of the groundwater are polluted. With this background she highlighted the importance of a strong movement towards responsible economics, which control and minimize negative impacts on nature and environment. With respect to the Living Lakes conference in China Marion Hammerl praised the local administrations’ and economies’ commitments towards green economy and emphasized climate change and loss of biodiversity as global challenges which need to be addressed and solved with joint forces.

China and in particular the Jangxi province have understood this and take first promising steps, which became clear from the statements of political representatives. By means of Marion Hammerl, the Living Lakes delegates from 33 nations manifested their support for this movement and expressed their confidence that in this aspect, too, the famous Chinese speed will lead to fast significant results.

Global Nature Fund is one of the leading Non Governmental Organizations in the field of Business and Biodiversity. The path towards a green economy is supported with direct measures on enterprises and companies and through basic preparatory work such as the integration of natural capital into accounting systems.

Background information

The Living Lakes Network was founded 1998 to foster exchange between organizations for the protection of lakes and to form a worldwide movement towards the protection of lakes. Sierra Leone, Turkey and Pakistan were welcomed as new members of the network, which now represents 104 members. Among those are well known lakes such as Lago Titicaca, Lake Winnipeg, Lake Victoria, Lake Baikal and Lake Constance.  National networks support spreading this idea. Partners are large as well as small environmental organizations and foundations from out of 80 countries. Regular Living Lakes conferences follow the invitation of partners at one of the networks lakes.

For further information contact
Global Nature Fund (GNF)
Fritz-Reichle-Ring 4
78315 Radolfzell, Germany
Tel.: 0049 77 32 - 99 95 – 0
Fax: 0049 77 32 - 99 95 – 88