Main concerns regarding tourism and sustainable development
Tourism transport
Tourism transport, especially air transport and the use of private cars largely contributes to global warming and climate change and to the depletion of oil resources. Emissions, noise and congestion are further problems in tourism destinations and along the big tourist routes. 90% of energy used in the tourism sector is used for access and return travel. The trends towards air travel and short distance flights, towards traffic intensive event tourism, overseas travels and unsustainable vacation patterns such as several but shorter travels per year, increase the impact of tourism transport.
Land use, biodiversity
Tourism is a heavily contributes to land use and nature. Negative trends include increasing numbers of secondary residences or tourism activities with intensive use of nature (e.g. golf, skiing) or motorized activities in nature.
Use of energy
Tourism facilities need increasingly more energy for air conditioning, transport or indoor activities which draws more importance to the source of energy (renewable - non-renewable).
Use of water
Some destinations, such as islands or southern coastal destinations, increasingly face with the freshwater supply and there is even competition for water between local economy (for example, in agriculture and tourism). Waste water is also a challenge, not only for high seasonal mass tourism destinations.
Solid waste management
Waste is becoming a major problem for tourism destinations and rural societies that may become overwhelmed and who don not have sufficient capacity to cope with this particularly seasonal problem.
Social and cultural development
Severe working conditions, seasonal unemployment and high dependence on tourism industry have a unfavorable impact on the society, detrimental to the quality of the entire destination.
Economic development
High dependence on tourism and thus external economic changes, annual and seasonal variation of tourism or a high percentage of daily visitors also be harmful to the community and, in the long term, negatively influence the economic development of the area.