Planting 55,000 trees together
To counter the rapid deforestation, we are implementing a reforestation project in the northern part of the Western Ghats in partnership with Terre Policy Centre and the Shashwat Trust. In the project, local communities are closely involved in the measures to jointly create economic perspectives by processing the products harvested in the forest. Primarily, these are medicinal plants such as Hirda, which are used in Ayurvedic medicine and for which there is a great demand.
On site, I visit the central nursery, which was established here within a year as part of the project and has a production capacity of 100,000. This and other smaller nurseries are run by local women's groups. Following start-up funding, the women's groups are able to earn an income from the nurseries as well as from processing the hirda fruits. Together, 23,000 trees have already been planted on degraded land in 2022. By the end of 2023, there will be more than 55,000 trees - a great success story that I take back to Radolfzell.